How to Manage the Fear of Change
C H A N G E — Why does this five-letter word strike fear in the hearts of so many people? Why do we fear change so much? Change requires us to venture into the unknown, to do something different, to step outside of our comfort zone, to take risks and change a habit or several habits.
Fear of change is usually wrapped up in the fear of something else.
When you are facing change in your life and the fear starts to overtake you, isolate the fear. Ask yourself, “What is it that I am really afraid of?” and “What can I do about it?” When you answer these two questions it empowers you. You take the power away from the fear and you reclaim it. We fear change. What is it we really fear? The fear of failure, the fear of criticism, the fear of the unknown, the fear of loss, the fear of rejection.
No matter what you determine the fear to be the only way to control it and get on with your life is to face it. Ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could happen if I did this?”
Mastering the Fear of Change requires that you:
- Be open to new ideas. Where there is change there is opportunity.
- Live in the present. This keeps you anchored in “what is” rather than “what if.”
- Use imagination to predict success. Athletes do this all the time. They imagine in their own minds the outcome they want. You can do it too.
- Expect success. If you assume all your doubts are wrong, you will work at creating success.
- Maintain some anchor points. When you are in the midst of change try to keep some points stable. If you are having career problems, don’t decide to lose weight.
- Be Flexible. Nothing is written in stone. Know the only constant is change. If one strategy doesn’t work, try something else.
- Commit to a Plan of Action. Commitment takes you from the thinking and planning stages to the doing stage! A plan of action takes you from wanting to do it to determining how you are going to do it. Get professional help if needed.
~ Linda Coleman-Willis